Critic's Corner

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Super Bad



This was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. It was also one of the raunchiest. I swear, every other word was "cock." It was hilarious.

I was never one of those kids that caused all kinds of trouble in high school. Living in the home I grew up in, it wasn't exactly acceptable behavior. That didn't stop me from appreciating this movie, though. I am a fan of Arrested Development and Michael Cera didn't really sway from the George Michael character, had GM been allowed to have friends other than his father.

I just have to say, though... parents, please do not take your young child to this movie. About 1/2 way through this movie, which was making me blush (check out the quotes page on IMDB... it's pretty indicative of the language used in the film some lady brought in her 4 kids. I could tell that they were theater hopping and was half tempted to say something. Her oldest kid couldn't have been more than 11. This is NOT a movie for children!!!

It's a fantastic movie for adults. You should see it. But leave the kids at home!


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