Critic's Corner

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Shield

Fx- the best network this side of pay cable. I LOVE this show!

If you haven't seen tonight's show and plan to, stop reading now.

Tonight was the season finale. Mackey and his lackeys- Shane- aka teeth, Lem the giant, and Ronnie the other guy... vs. Tom Cavanaugh- IAD. Last week, Mackey gave Cavanaugh's ex the old in-out and boy was Tom pissed. So much so that he went after the former Mrs. Mackey. She held off his advances, unlike crazy Mrs. Cavanaugh did with Vic.

Danny gave birth to her son, Lee, rumored to be Mackey's kid. And from what we saw tonight, it looks like he is.

Lem is a fugitive. Now he's giving up the Money Train from 2 seasons ago. Bekkah asked Lem to turn and go into witness protection after he gave up all of his cards, but he refused like any dignified man would. Trying to get Lem over the border proves to be difficult when they can't find him; instead they find hundreds of grenades that DEA has been looking for.

Now that Claudette is the cheif, Ex Chief Billings is teamed up with "Hungry Like the Wolf" Dutch. What a pair. Hilarity on all sides. Dutch is so concerned with getting laid and getting justice from having been burned by the vending machine coffee that he can't focus on anything else. Billings has his head so far up his ass and is putting a major crick in whatever style Dutch has ever had. With Dutch, being the man of routine, this does not bode well, but it certainly leaves next season open for more drama- until Dutch drops the bomb- he's filing for a transfer. That is, until he finds out that Billings has a secret.

The Sheryl Crow looking "victim" that Dutch has his eye on is actually a whore. How funny. She calls her "legal counsel" and he looks more like a pimp than anything legit. As everyone goes into the room where she and her "legal counsel" are supposed to be discussing the charges, they catch him doing her from behind over the interrogation table. What a trip.

Aceveda is SUCH a Benedict Arnold. I thought that playing both sides was supposed to be Julian's thing- oops!! I shouldn't have said that- not since he's found Jesus.

Shane ends the show with a bang- literally. (I literally sat there with my mouth agape for 3 minutes when it happened. I KNEW something like that was going to happen!!!!) Lem was going to turn himself in and keep the other 3 out of everything. Aceveda, in a ploy to help IAD, told Mackey who told everyone else that Lem was going to give them up. So Shane goes to give Lem a sandwich and drops into the car a stolen grenade- sans the pin. The car explodes and Shane screams "I'm sorry" as Lem fights to stay alive. Then Shane goes to meet the rest of the team with a secret that he won't tell. As the department finds the mess, Mackey and Cavanaugh get into a fist fight. The troops break them up and as what remains the Strike Team walks away, Vic swears vengeance on "whoever did this", not knowing it was one of his own.

Roll credits.

Shawn Ryan has created a masterpiece.


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    By Blogger Persona, at 7:56 PM  

  • Yeah... if you can believe it. I'm going to see if I can figure out who that was.

    By Blogger Susan, at 8:29 AM  

  • I didn't find the scene in which Shane kills Lem believable. Watch it again. You'll see that the dialogue is forced, and that some of "Shane's" acting is histrionic as he strains to come up with reasons for what he's about to do, and in his mea culpas afterwards. For one thing, his wife's pregnant again. He sees the forthcoming child as "another mouth to feed." Isn't that tender? And always a good reason for murder. His wife's pregnant so he's going to kill Lem so that he can keep on feeding a mouth he doesn't want. Give me a break. There are some good situations in the show, but I'm hoping your use of the word "masterpiece" is just a bit of hyperbole.

    By Blogger William Luse, at 2:04 AM  

  • Honestly, I do believe that this show is fantastic. Shane has always been a selfish prick. When he walked back to the car, I knew that he was going to do something. I'm not even implying that Shane is a good guy- but like it or not, selfish people have a tendency to see a pregnancy as "another mouth to feed." Shane is that kind of selfish. I think that there were a couple of pieces left over, like we never see Shane take back the money, which makes us either question his real motive or it leaves something for next season.

    It's not the first time you and I disagree, of course. I do love that show, though.

    By Blogger Susan, at 8:45 PM  

  • You say in your previous post you haven't seen Crash yet. You should. It's not perfect (e.g., there's a typically cruel Hollywood trick played on a young cop with good intentions toward the end which is downright nihilistic), trying, perhaps to cover too many stories, but the one of Matt Damon's redemption is powerful indeed.

    By Blogger William Luse, at 3:40 AM  

  • You probably mean Matt Dillon but I'll forgive you this time.

    I'm working on a critique for Crash. Let's just say I was less than impressed.

    By Blogger Susan, at 12:54 PM  

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