Critic's Corner

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Family Stone

No matter what anyone says- this movie is no comedy.

What a cast. Sarah Jessica Parker, Claire Danes, Diane Keaton, Craig T Nelson, Luke Wilson, Dermot Mulroney, and Rachel McAdams. The thing about this film that gets me is how subtly the writers suck you in to the story of a nervous girl meeting the family that may one day be her in-laws, and weaves a tapestry of the family with an ailing mother, a free-spirited man, a vindictive daughter, a nervous mess of a man, his son who follows in his footsteps through every emotional roller-coaster, and the quite displaced deaf gay son and his partner who, ironically, are the most balanced of the crowd.

The weakest of the bunch? Acting-wise, without a doubt, is Dermot Mulroney. The storylines are based on five of the seven family members: Dermot Mulroney's (Everett), Luke Wilson's (Ben), Rachel McAdams's (Amy), Diane Keaton's(Mom/ Sybil) , and Ty Giordano's (Thad). The weakest storyline in the movie is Mulroney's part, the weakest acting is his part, yet the name of the film revolves around his story, interestingly enough. Some may argue that the Thad's (the deaf gay son and his partner) was the weakest- I disagree. Although the story could have gone on without Thad's story, I liked that story better than Everett's.

But the movie was still a pretty good movie. Not too comedic, not too much of a chick flick, just a pretty good movie.


  • Probably... I am actually surprised that this film hasn't gotten more critical attention. They're all too busy worrying about saying the wrong thing about Brokeback Mountain.

    By Blogger Susan, at 10:04 AM  

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