Critic's Corner

Saturday, April 30, 2005

I'm Gonna Git You Sucka

One of the great things about this movie is when they show it on television. Granted, they edit out all of the raunchy parts and everything... but during the commercial interruptions the announcer says "We'll be right back with I'm Going To Get You Sucker after these messages" and they sound about as full of soul as I do when I'm saying "OOH! Check out the bling bling!"

Now the Wayans are nothing compared to F Gary Gray, but they're still funny. I wasn't too crazy about their Scary Movies- a little too over the top for me, but this movie was pretty funny because they didn't take all kinds of popular movies and make fun of them like they did with the Scary Movies. (They were like Naked Gun movies, which I think are incredibly stupid.)

I'm Gonna Git You Sucka was funny in itself because of the original jokes and the way they made fun of "black-sploitation" movies. Some funny parts:
*I left your room just the way you left it 10 years ago. (He walks in with flies buzzing around, and plugs his nose...)
*The little white boy (whose mother is Jan Brady/Eve Plumb) is giving his report on Abe Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Illinois. This poor white trash went on to become the president of the United States. Once in office this white capitalist swine manipulated the freedom of the black man for his own political career. 'Til another piece of poor white trash shot him in the head. The End" while the Brady Bunch theme is playing in the background....
*Ma bitch better have ma money! Thru rain sleet or snow. Ma ho better have ma money. Not half... not some... but ALL ma cash. Because if she don't, I'm gonna put ma foot in her ass!!!
*The youth gang competition where they set a new record on how long it takes to strip a car.
*Kim Wayans singing in the pub.
*You ain't selling No-Way products, are you?
*Two words: CHRIS ROCK!!!!! "How much for a order'a ribs???"

A funny movie. Not the best- but funny nonetheless.


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