Critic's Corner

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


or... my final term paper.

Here's the link to my final paper:

This is the email I sent to my professor:

Dr. G

I had never seen this film before I asked to review it for my final paper. I thought that if I asked for a film like "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", which I have seen dozens of times (and I even went as Nurse Ratched for Halloween a few times!) I wouldn't be able to view it in the way I wanted to view it for this particular assignment. I am so glad that I did. Upon first viewing I thought "what have I done??" But after watching it many more times, I have come to appreciate it more and more.

One thing I had a bit of trouble with was references. I don't usually like to listen to director's commentary- and I loathe reading uptight critics viewpoints of films because they are usually banal and not well thought out. (Although I have tremendous respect for Roger Ebert and ESPECIALLY Leonard Maltin, the only two real critics as far as I'm concerned.) Mostly I don't like doing this because I feel that I need to form my own opinions on films and many "opinions" are simple regurgitations of other's or director's commentaries.

I have to say that I really enjoyed this class, although I probably would have liked it more had it been a "real" class and not an online one. This is my first ever online class. Nevertheless, it has been a treat.

I am graduating this semester with my AA and have been accepted to UCF (not my first choice, but it's close to Valencia and a girl's gotta eat and pay the bills, y'know?) to get my Bachelor's with a major in Cinema Studies and a minor in Journalism. I hope that I can do you proud when I, myself, become a real critic.

Now that I've said that, here's my blog where I try to dabble in critiquery Feel free to leave a comment whenever you like. My Comp II professor from a few semesters ago visits quite often, and we rarely see eye-to-eye on films. I love a good thought provoking comment.

So, without further ado, here's my paper. I hope that you enjoy it and that it is what you were looking for.



  • My professor's comments:



    +: Excellent
    0: Average, needs more work, more attention to detail
    X: Unsatisfactory, little or no focus in this area


    +: Covered the major aspects of the film:
    : Lighting/Color
    : Editing
    : Sound/Music
    : Movement
    : Acting

    +: Analysis demonstrates depth and rigor related to the general theories of film.

    +: Used at least three sources.

    +: Integrated the information from the sources effectively into the analysis.

    GRADE: 100%


    This was an excellent essay and analysis of the film. You did a great job incorporating the various aspects of film theory into your review. In the words of film critic Roger Ebert: “A big thumbs up.”

    I understand what you are saying about self-important film scholars. Sometimes it does amaze me just how full of themselves they can be. Director’s comments can be a mixed bag. For example, I think that Altman’s comments for M*A*S*H are terrible, but he does a good job for McCabe and Mrs. Miller and California Split. Frankenheimer’s comments for Ronin are excellent for those who are interested in how to set up, shoot, and edit an excellent car chase sequence.

    I liked your blog. Although I just looked at it briefly it was quite impressive and I would love to offer a comment or two.

    Thank you for your good work this semester. Your insights were consistently outstanding.

    Your final grade: “A.”

    Dr. Gombash

    I'm done!!! I'm graduating!!!!

    By Blogger Susan, at 9:02 PM  

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